Cobertura en los medios


4 de los mejores avisos del Super Bowl de este año están relacionados con los emprendimientos

From John Malkovich to Adolphus Busch, Super Bowl ads examine the challenges of starting a business.

Americans love entrepreneurs. And many of us distrust large corporations. This year, at least four of the Super Bowl's advertisers are hoping those sentiments will help them sell everything from pizza to web hosting. And so they've created ads where real or imagined entrepreneurs are the central characters.

Will it work? We can't say, but we do love that entrepreneurship is being celebrated during the most-watched TV event of the year. (In case you're wondering, at least three times as many people will watch the Super Bowl as watched the Presidential Inauguration.)

Here's a look at some spots that put entrepreneurship front and center:

John Malkovich can't get his own domain name.

The trend of entertainment stars becoming entrepreneurs is in full swing, and John Malkovich launched his own fashion line that recently offered two new collections. But in the Super Bowl ad for Squarespace, Malkovich finds that someone else has registered, and he can't get it back.